
Sunday 13 November 2016

Paper no -2 Humanity in a novel Robinson Crusoe

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Name:- Komal Shahedadpuri M.
Course:-M.A  English
Sem:- 1
Batch:- 2016 – 2018
Roll no:-21
Enrollment no:-PG2069108420170027
Submitted to:- Smt. S.B.Gardi Dept. Of
English MKBU
Email ID:-
Paper no :-2 The Neo-Classical Literature

Topic: Humanity (Humanism) in a novel Robinson Crusoe

Introduction of Daniel Defoe

  Daniel Defoe, born Daniel foe was an English  trader,writer,journalist,Pamphleter and spy, most famous for his novel “Robinson Crusoe”. He was Profic and Versatile writer,producing more than five hundreds books,pamphlets,and journals on various topics, including Politics,Crime,
Religion,Marriage,Psychology and the Supernatural. He was also a pioneer of Economic Journalism.Daniel Foe born in London,later added the aristocratic-sounding “De” to his name. His birth date and birthplace are uncertain and sources offer dates from 1659-1662 with more 1660 considered the most likely.In Daniel's early life, he experienced some of the most unusual occurrences in English history, in 1665 ,70,000 were killed by the Great Plague of London and next year the Great Fire of London left standing only Defoe's and two other houses in his neighborhood.

His works
1)Robinson Crusoe (1719)
2)Memoirs of a Cavalier (1720)
3)Captain Singleton (1720)
4)A Journal of the Plague Year (1722)
5)Colonel Jack (1722)
6)Moll Flanders (1722)
7)Roxana : The Fortunate Mistress (1724)
                                 Image result for Images of Daniel Defoe
A novel : Robinson Crusoe

         Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Defoe , first published on 25 April,1719. The first edition credited the work's protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author and a book a Travelogue of true incidents. It was published under the full title “ The life and strange surprising, adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: who lived eight and Twenty years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great River of Oroonoque; having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself with an account how he was at last as strangely delivered by pyrites.”
     Epistolary,confessional and didactic in form, the book is presented as an autobiography of the title character (whose birth name is  Robinson (Kreutznaer) a castaway who spends thirty years on a remote tropical Island near Trinidad, encountring Cannibals,captives and mutineers before ultimately being rescued.

                                          Image result for images of robinson crusoe                                                           The story has since been perceived to be based on the life of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish casaway who lived for four years on a Pacific Island called “Mas a Tierra” , now part of Chile,which was renamed Robinson Crusoe Island in 1966,but various literary sources have also been suggested. Robinson Crusoe was well received in the literary world and is often credited as marking the beginning realistic fiction as a literary genre.

  “Humanism,a rationalist outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.”

     “Humanism is an approach to life based on reason and our common Humanity, recognizing,that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone”

     Humanity, is a human race which includes everyone on Earth ,its also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion,be creative and not be a robot or alien.when we are talking about Humanity,its about the People as a whole.

      The touch of Humanity should be in our life as  we are humans different than animals because we have reason /aim of living a life, reason is one the merits that make people free. Human nature is so complex that is always studied , it is generally regarded as being egoist,self-centered and thinking  of his own profit more than anything. We learn many things from Humanity as how to behave with other human being with  kindness,how to love others  and be Creative that is because of humans have goal in life than basic needs. Humans have best ability to search and know himself/herself (Self realization) by spending time in Solitude.

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Art of being Alone

          It is fact that Humans can't live alone ,they need the company of other human beings it proved by many experiments. Live alone is big challenge for Humans but its also one of the Art that makes people real being . It only happens when we are far from society,governments that stops us from doing something creative and meaningful. Aloneness and Silence are two aspects of one experience, two sides of each coin. If one wants to experience silence one has to go into one's total aloneness.We are born alone and die alone , its a truth so its better that rejoice it rather than escape from it.

Humanity in Robinson Crusoe

    Robinson Crusoe is best novel of Defoe with deep meaning of Humanity. By depicting the Utopian environment in which was created in the absence of Society. Defoe criticizes the political and economical aspects of England's society ,but is also able to show the narrator's relationship with nature in a vivid account of the personal growth and  development that took place while stranded in Solitude.A common theme often portray in Literature is the Tension between the Individualism and Society.

Individualism v/s Society

                      Image result for images of robinson crusoe                                               In the beginning of the novel , the narrator Robinson Crusoe was not deal with the Society but of his Individualism as he rejects his father's suggestion to take his family business, he always thinks of going abroad ,he wants to be Free by saying that

Crusoe: “I should certainly run away from my Master before my time was out and go to Sea”...(p-3)

        For expanding his business and property from the very beginning. Somehow, he manages to go abroad by Ship, but he changes his mind at time of strong storm, but he can't stop thinking of going away that shows the obstinate and obsessed human nature. He goes to Africa for Slave trade. He feels himself alone and isolated in Brazil and in England when he goes  back there from Island after a long span. The fact that he feels himself isolated in the Society demonstrate his strong sense of Individuality. The individual of human nature is shown through him perfectly.

Hobbes and Locke's  political  philosophy

     Thomas Hobbes and  John Locke advocates human beings' right  to be Free and their Equality especially in the state of Nature. Hobbes says that in the state of nature , all Men may have desire to harm others , so this greedy nature of humanity is dangerous. For him , the Freedom is unlimited in Nature and men
can do anything they regard necessary to preserve their lives. As in  Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe experienced the total Freedom in the Touch of Natural elements.While According to Locke Men should enter into Society and quit the state of nature. In society, there are laws that recovers the arrogance of human beings and their violent desires, puts stress on society and government to make people reasonable, while Hobbes' philosophy that laws and government are artificial obstacles that avoid people from being Free, like disobedience and consideration of the results of an act ,example Adam and Eve  disobey the command of God by eating fruit of knowledge from forbidden tree.For Hobbes, in society ,we are not free as we are in Nature.Hobbes claiming the complete dominion of Parents over children, “Children are no less subject to those who look after them and bring them up than Slaves are to Masters. The same case happened in Defoe's life and as his novel is somewhat autobiographical also see in Robinson Crusoe that their father force them to do particular things.

Journey of Robinson's Life towards Humanity

        Image result for images of robinson crusoe                 Robinson Crusoe survives on an Island is the completion of his Freedom that he has always wished. It is a place where he can realize/do what he wants,because  of this place is free from laws and government of society, it is surrounded by Nature in which Crusoe find himself alone and isolated, firstly he repents for the rejection of his father's suggestion but as time goes on , “On his Island Crusoe enjoys the absolute Freedom from Social restrictions,there are no family ties or Civil authority  to interfere with his Individual Autonomy”. After reaching there, he got food and other necessary things from Shipwreck, he made Shelter of his own to survive on an Island. He begins to have a permanent settlement in the Island and creates a life of his own.

    He scared so much by natural happenings and he is afraid of the Footprint that he saw on the shore,its shows the general Psychology of human nature (fears and doubts). Then, there is a scene of Cruel /Brutal Humanity,represented by  Cannibals that how they ate  human flesh and enjoy the death of other humans,at this point we have clear picture of bad side of Humanity. Crusoe's humanity shown during this time that he try to save other humans from Cannibals by shooting,he can save one human, afterwards that man live with Crusoe on the Island. Then Crusoe try to teach him a language ,he taught first word “Master”that shown as Crusoe want to make him a slave ,but after the touch of Nature, he came to know that every humans are equal , so he made him his Friend and civilized.

    Then, Crusoe said him out of realization “Only Spirit meet not Colors”. Elements of humanity also shown as Crusoe has feelings not only for humans but also for animals as in his house that he made himself,  there are different  birds present.Dog is also with him , he has love for that dog as  when dog was killed ,Crusoe cemented it as a human.

        Thus, Island is symbolic of Crusoe's growth/development as a real human being and could be considered the “healing” that ultimately brought him to both God and realization that he could keep himself alive. Its Physical means which changed Crusoe to stop wandering, “ By acquiring a sense of place ,also (he) established a sense of Self.” There is only Solitude that change the whole Psyche of Crusoe.

              In this respect, it can be realized how literature and social life are interrelated to each other. The process which started with Renaissance and Humanism brings us to the issue of Individualism and the Rise of novel.   

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From Research Paper of Sercan Oztekin ,Turkey


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