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Course:-M.A English
Sem:- 1
Batch:- 2016 – 2018
Roll no:-21
Enrolment no:-PG2069108420170027
Submitted to:- Smt. S.B.Gardi Dept. Of
English MKBU
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Paper no: 4 Indian Writing In English – Pre -Independence
Topic: Class and Caste Conflict in “The Purpose” by T.P
Introduction of T.P Kailasam
Thanjavur Paramasiva Kailasam was a playwright and prominent writer of Kannada Literature. His contribution to Kannada theatrical Comedy earned him a title Prahasana Prapitamaha “The father of humorous plays and later ha was also called “Kannadakka Obbane Kailasam” meaning “ one and only Kailasam for Kannada”. He wrote both English plays as well as poems.
His plays
1) The Purpose (1944)
2) Fulfillment (1933)
3) The Burden (1933)
4) Karna (1946)
5) Keechak (1949)
His Poems
1) The Drametist
2) Eternal Coin
3) Truth Naked
4) The Lake
5) Mother Love
6) The Monologue
Introduction of The Purpose
Among his plays one of the most famous play “The Purpose”, the full title was “The Purpose:A playlet of Ekalavya” published in 1944 which is based on the great Indian Epic MAHABHARAT but Kailasam made many differences in his play in which he glorifies the character of Ekalavya which is far different than the story of Mahabharat, in Mahabharat the character of Arjuna is shown as a hero but in Kailasam's play , Ekalavya reflected as a true hero, Kailasam focuse on only three main characters Ekalavya, Arjuna and Drona. Kailasam dedicates this play that he writes “Dedicated in all Humanity to my Youthful Brothers of my Motherland in Happy Memory of my Youth.
At the begining , he said that he dedicate this play for especially Youth , because this play throws the light on the mind of Young people about the reality of society and how social system oppressed the people of different class and caste.
Caste System in India
In Ancient India, there was the roots of caste systems there was major Four Quadrants of caste . The caste system in India is a system of social stratification which has pre- modern origins was transformed by the British Raj ,and is today the basis of Educational and Job reservations in India. It consist of two different concepts , Varna and Jati ,which may be regarded as different levels of analysis of this system.
Varna , may be translated as “Class” and Jati may be as “Caste”. Caste is divided in four quadrants in Vedic time as mention above certain groups now known as Dalits , they still are ostracized as “Untouchables” .
Class System in India ![Image result for images of caste and class conflict in The purpose by T.P Kailasam](
From the time of immemorial, class conflict has been one of the major theme of Literature. Social class ,as in class society , is a set of concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of Hierarchical social categories ,the most common being the Upper , Middle and Lower classes. They are mostly base on Socio-economic conditions. In modern times , there groups like SC/ST/OBC shown in power as they get some grants in society. They creat problem for those who are really eligible and able for particular post.
From the time of immemorial, class conflict has been one of the major theme of Literature. Social class ,as in class society , is a set of concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of Hierarchical social categories ,the most common being the Upper , Middle and Lower classes. They are mostly base on Socio-economic conditions. In modern times , there groups like SC/ST/OBC shown in power as they get some grants in society. They creat problem for those who are really eligible and able for particular post.
The nature of underlying class conflict is sounds very “Marxian”. Marx's theories about society, class conflicts , economics and politics collectively understood as Marxism , hold that human societies developed through class struggle, a conflict between ruling classes ( known as Bourgeoisie) that control the means of production and working classes (known as the Proletariat) that work on these means by selling their labour for wages. Marxian theory generally shown us three classes that of first Ruling class , Educated Workers and Working class. About ruling class and working class as we discussed before that they are shown as much modern product of Society. But when we taking about Educated People , they are suffered like a Sandwich between these two classes that they have to face many problems in spite of having much knowledge and understanding.
The nature of underlying class conflict is sounds very “Marxian”. Marx's theories about society, class conflicts , economics and politics collectively understood as Marxism , hold that human societies developed through class struggle, a conflict between ruling classes ( known as Bourgeoisie) that control the means of production and working classes (known as the Proletariat) that work on these means by selling their labour for wages. Marxian theory generally shown us three classes that of first Ruling class , Educated Workers and Working class. About ruling class and working class as we discussed before that they are shown as much modern product of Society. But when we taking about Educated People , they are suffered like a Sandwich between these two classes that they have to face many problems in spite of having much knowledge and understanding.
Class and Caste conflicts in The Purpose
Class and caste conflict are major theme in many Indian literary works ,it also present in The Purpose. From the begining we find many dialogues which shows the image of caste and class , as the major character Ekalavya is marginalized by caste and class. In the begining of the play ,there was the talking between Drona and Sahadeva that
DRONA: You can't lift this bow , you seem to forget ,you are Kshatriya.
SAHADEVA: I am remembering I am a Kshatriya , Gurujee!
So in this we can found how people and their strength are measured by the castes that in early time Kshatriya are more powerful in fight. So in this Drona remind Sahadeva that Kshatriya never be a weak.
The play ironically portrays the caste of Kshatriya. As Nakula often said that “I must never forget that I am Kshatriya.”when Ekalavya listened the conversation of Drona and Arjuna. He tried to pronounced the word Concentration after many pausing as CON-----CEN----TRA---TION , this show that Ekalavya was not learned ,very poor in education but good in Archery. When Ekalavya going to ask for teaching for Archery to Drona , Drona adressed him by saying that “ Little man! What have you done?”, it shows the littleness and marginalization created by society for lower caste or class people.
Ekalavya belongs to a Nishaada community. When he came into conversation with Arjuna ,
Arjuna: How can you even for a moment think it possible for a NISHAADAA to became what is almost impossible even for an ARYA?” this type of reply of Arjuna is meant that what is impossible to the higher class or caste how can lower people do that. So we can understand that the works divided as per caste and class. Then , Ekalavya replied as a voice of lower class or caste people that what does it matter if he was a Nishaada. It doesn't mean that Nishaada can't be a greatest Archer. It depends on one's own ability and talent that he can became whatever ha wants then castes don't matter at all. Then, Ekalavya identified the only five elements that must need any person of any belonging to be the greatest Archer.
1) The mastery of the ground work of Archery
2) A power to CON—CEN—TRATE
3) A deep and fervent love to one's Guru
4) His whole hearted willingness to teach
5) Assiduous Practice
Ekalavya response is seen by many author's attempt to slip in his opinions on the moral foundations of Caste. Ekalavya states that nowhere in these criteria is CASTE mentioned, and hence he should have as equal opportunity to get training from Drona to be a best Archer.He also argued against the state of Arjuna “AN ARYA is AN ARYA and a NISHAADA is only a Low Born NISHAADA” in that argument Ekalavya said that according to Arjuna “ being an Arya is that ONE IS NOT A NISHAADA” ,If then , there were no Nishaada at all in this world. It means every post,cast,class have their own work ,value ,respect and importance, on one is better or worst. Everyone has their own value of their Existence.
Subaltern study of The Purpose
In post colonial theory, the term 'Subaltern' describes the lower classes and the social groups who are at the Margins of the Society, a subaltern is a person rendered without agency by Social Status like Caste or Class. In The Purpose , Ekalavya shown as a Subaltern that his caste or class is not proper mentioned , that is he belonged to Nishaada community so he can't properly learn Archery from Drona, only because of his social status. This shows that how lower people treated in Society. In Modern time also the these issues are in air that in village that the lower cast who are known as Dalits or Achhuts or Untouchable people , in cities also the class differences are in more power.
Class and caste conflict also found in other works
The class and caste conflict found in many works like
1) Mulkraj Anand's “Coolie” and “ Untouchable”
2) Chinua Achebe's “ No Longer at Ease”
3) Raja Rao's “Kanthapura” and many more.
4) Vijay Tendulkar's “Ghasiram Kotwal”
Mulkraj Anand highlights the class conflict between upper caste and lower in his novels. In Coolie , it gives chilling picture of a down trodden boy Munno who at the early stage gets into oblivion of his own Existence.
Chinua Achebe's novel “No Longer at Ease” presents nothing but same topic, it tells the story of Nigerian man named Obi Okonkwo who struggles with cultural identity.
Thus, this conflict of caste and class are still exist in our society. In many fields like education, politics , corporate sections etc. In our society, Caste and Class are also major problem but now a days Religion also became biggest problem which departs people rather than unite. There are many blind followers of religion do many wrong things against Humanity, they can't understand that the Humanity is the biggest religion ,caste and class of people.
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